One Dental Pty Ltd |
Product Code: DCG1405
Dynek Chromic Gut Suture 4/0 x 76cm on 18mm 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Box 36Product Code: DCG1405 Category: ORAL SURGERY Description:
"Australian Made" Chromic Gut 4/0 x 76cm on 18mm 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Box 36 (natural absorbable 14-24 days absorption rate)
Dynek catgut is to our best knowledge BSE FREE and produced from bovine intestinal serosa. As an accredited AQIS laboratory, Dynek can only import raw materials that are free from contamination. Dynek CHROMIC gut is chromicised before it is spun into strands. This allows control over the amount of chromic content for an even absorption rate. The specialised spinning and grinding process creates a strand of uniform diameter. The suture strand is then further polished to achieve maximum smoothness, for reliability and strength.